
services: vibration troubleshooting

Vibration Troubleshooting

With a proven successful record of AMPs technical team, our troubleshooting engineers have the ability to solve and support your asset problems either for machinery, rotating, static or structural problems.

With unique experience and skills, AMPs can perform troubleshooting and vibration analysis for machines with fluid film or rolling element bearings, high speed/low speed wherever it is located. Our expert team will analyze and define the problem and guide you to the most efficient and reliable solutions.

A root cause analysis is also one of our keys of success to help our customers and partners to understand the root cause and avoid possible future repetition of the deviation.

Machinery diagnostic (health check) and Acceptance testing

From defining acceptance criteria to measuring and diagnose your machine, AMPS has a world class certified team, in accordance with ISO 18436-2 up till CAT IV standard. Our expert team is highly equipped with extensive expertise, experience and knowledge of diagnostics and acceptance tests.

Our multi-channel analyzers from Pruftechnik will aid our mission with all and every type of machines, such as and not limited to high speed machines with both fluid film and rolling element bearings, low and very low speed machines.

Infrared Thermography

IR Thermography is critical important for your reliability and safety!

IR Thermography is the ONLY diagnostic technology that lets you instantly visualize and verify thermal performance. Nearly everything that uses or transmits power gets hot before it fails and can lead to catastrophic failures and downtime. Cost effective power management is critical to maintaining the reliability of your electrical and mechanical systems and safety for plant.


Front line defence in your CBM program!
Ultrasonic has a wide range of applications where air leaks and grease lubrication programs are the one with highest return of investment and affect on reliability.
Air leaks:
Ultrasonic Surveys can be very beneficial to your company by locating expensive air and gas leaks. Compressed air is one of the most expensive utilities commonly supplied throughout most facilities. If ignored, this distribution system can develop numerous leaks, which will result in an increase of air usage. This increase in air usage will then create an increase in power consumption and wear to your compressor systems. Why add another compressor when in most cases by locating and correcting leaks you can significantly reduce your usage?
Lubrication programs:
Ultrasound is the best condition monitoring technology for detecting friction, impacting and turbulence. The main purpose of lubrication is to reduce undesired friction and metal-on-metal contact. Ultrasound can detect increased levels of friction as a result of too much, or too little grease. Grease Bearings Right, Never Under or Over Lubricate again.


AMPs has the knowledge and skills to balance your rotors and rotating equipment as per international approved standards.

With our balancing techniques, either rigid or flexible, low speed or high speed rotor, we will balance your rotors and machines giving you the best possible results.

remote diagnostic

Remote monitoring

Remote diagnostic services is our core business

AMPs has the experts and the tools to make your condition monitoring program a success and also support for reliability improvements.
Digital reports, statistics, KPI’s and a RELIABILITY EXPERT IN THE LOOP makes our programs better and different.

Electrical discharge in bearings (trouble shooting and recommendation)

Electrical Discharge in bearings is one of the main root causes for premature bearing problems.We measure and identify the problem and recommend solutions.

Recommended on new installations, after overhaul and for Root Cause Analysis.